Dr. Marisa adjusting a baby while mom holds the baby

Kaname Chiropractic is a heart-centered family wellness practice that provides holistic results-based healing services to our diverse community.

Kaname in Japanese means the heart of change, to pivot, or a key turning point. Correcting spinal curves and spinal cord alignment is the KEY to unlocking deep healing potential because it connects to every organ and tissue in the body.

The beauty and effectiveness of spinal cord correction is that it is the direct highway between the brain and body - it is our hard wiring, literally and energetically.

At Kaname Chiropractic, we not only bring this holistic perspective to everything we do, but we also get demonstrable results. We begin with a neurological and orthopedic exam along with a full spine x-ray. We tailor your care plan to achieve the optimum healing results, including correcting any spinal misalignment and educating you on how to stay in alignment. We LOVE educating our patients on the power of chiropractic.

Got questions? Read our FAQ or contact us

Our Process

Meet Our Team

  • Dr. Marisa Sum

    Dr. Marisa Sum, DC is an East Bay native, growing up in Castro Valley and Alameda. She received her BS in Clinical Nutrition at UC Davis and after working in several different healthcare fields continued her education to receive her Doctorate of Chiropractic at Life Chiropractic College West. She is a licensed and fully accredited Chiropractor, a nutritionist, a certified birth doula and a licensed radiography supervisor and operator. She is a mother and the owner of Kaname Chiropractic. She has personally benefited from chiropractic and attributes it to maintaining her physical and mental wellbeing. She enjoys helping others find connection, joy and healing within their own bodies. Dr. Marisa has mentored many aspiring chiropractors with the intention of helping them recreate the profound healing results she has seen in her patients.

    Castro Valley Office Hours

    T: 7:30am - 1pm

    W: 2pm - 7pm

    Th: 2pm - 7pm

    Sat: 7am - 3pm

  • Dr. Cassie Stansberry

    Dr. Cassie Stansberry

    Dr. Cassie Stansberry, DC is a Bay area native born in Redwood City, California. She received her Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Life Chiropractic College West and is a fully licensed and accredited practitioner of Chiropractic, AVCA Animal Chiropractor, a licensed radiography supervisor and operator, and is certified in Neuro Emotional Technique (NET). Dr. Stansberry previously attended City College of San Francisco and San Francisco State University (SFSU) as a collegiate soccer and track athlete, where she received her B.S. in Kinesiology with a minor in Holistic Health.

    Castro Valley Office Hours

    T: 2:30pm - 7pm

    F: 7:45am - 1pm

    Sat: 7am - 2pm

    Redwood City Office Hours

    W: 8am - 12pm

    Th: 2pm - 7pm

  • Dr. Stephen Sum, Jr.

    Dr. Stephen Sum, Jr.

    Dr. Stephen Sum, Jr., DC is an East Bay native, born in Oakland and having lived in Castro Valley and Alameda. He received his Doctorate of Chiropractic degree from Life Chiropractic College West and began his practice, Eden Valley Chiropractic here in the East Bay in 1988. He has proudly practiced for over 34 years serving his Bay Area community and continues to do so as Eden Valley Chiropractic, operating out of Kaname Chiropractic. He can be contacted through the office phone number and email address. He is a fully licensed radiography supervisor and operator and Qualified Medical Examiner.

    Castro Valley Office Hours

    W: 8am - 2pm

    F: 8am - 2pm

    Sat: 8am - 2pm

  • Dr. Justin Mariano

    Dr. Justin Mariano

    Dr. Justin Mariano, DC is a Bay Area native, who grew up in Vallejo, CA. He graduated with a BA in Public Health at UC Berkeley. As a student he worked at the neurology department for a UC Berkeley research laboratory where he decided to further his education and receive his Doctorate of Chiropractic at Life Chiropractic College West. He is a fully licensed and accredited practitioner of Chiropractic and AVCA Animal Chiropractor. He studied at the Animal Chiropractic Education Source (ACES) in Meridian, Texas to obtain his Animal Chiropractic degree.

    Castro Valley Office Hours

    M: 3pm - 7pm

    T: 3pm - 7pm

    Th: 4pm - 7pm

    Sat: 7am - 9pm

Photos by Valentina Sadiul

Let us join your health team!

Contact our friendly office staff today and get started. We have convenient office hours and our location is just a few minutes from Castro Valley BART station and the 238 and 580 freeways. We can't wait to work with you!